
1st July 2022

PvC Windows or Aluminium Windows. Which one to choose?

PvC Windows or Aluminium Windows

If you can’t decide between PvC Windows or Aluminium Windows, at TecnoPVC we’ll help you to clarify your doubts and help you to choose the best fit for you.

Are you thinking of installing new windows and don’t know what material you should use? Which one is better and why? PVC and aluminium are very different materials, each one solving different needs. It’ll depend on our financial situation or on what objectives we want to focus on while refurbishing your windows.

To understand the difference between PvC and aluminium windows, over the visual aspect, can be challenging, especially if we don’t have the knowledge about how they function. That’s why we have created this article where we display characteristics and benefits of each one of them.

PVC Windows in Estepona and Marbella

These kinds of windows are a great choice to help you achieve a good isolation and an excellent style.

Some of the benefits you’re going to achieve with PVC windows are:

  • It’s the best option quality-price wise, according to experts as this material offers better performance.
  • They’re easy to maintain and clean. In general it can be done with a wet cloth.
  • They offer excellent thermal insulation, so the outside temperature won’t affect the inside one.
  • They’re also great for acoustic insulation if they’re combined with high quality glass.
  • They’re very light, making they’re installation process easy and fast, independently of having double or triple glazing.
  • They have a high performance and durability, which ensures that they maintain their colour conditions, without deformation or deterioration.
  • You can find endless designs that simulate different materials like wood, or different colours, making it possible to adapt to any kind of designings.

Aluminium Windows

One of the main advantages that aluminium offers is its high resistance, which allows it to introduce more resistant frames with bigger glass surfaces. That’s one of the reasons why aluminium is the nº1 material when it comes to design places with a bigger flow of people movement like, for example, offices.

Some of the advantages of aluminium windows are:

  • They have a very durable and resistant structure, which can last for long periods without deterioration or deformation. It’s also a great shock-resistant material.
  • Their price is usually lower, which makes it a determining factor for a lot of people and its biggest strong point.
  • Aluminium is a non flammable material, making it very well seen in terms of security.
  • It’s a material that can be perfectly integrated to any kind of furniture, as it can be personalised with different finishes and colours. Meaning, it has a high degree of customisation potential.

Your window choice at TecnoPVC

As you can see, choosing between PvC Windows or Aluminium windows is something completely subjective. If you’re interested in PvC Windows, we can also manufacture and install Kommerling in la Costa del Sol. In addition, you can find a multitude of options adapted to any kind of budget. On the other hand, if you choose Aluminium windows, we invite you to have a look at our catalogue to choose the ones that will meet your needs in the best way.


Don’t doubt any more and call TecnoPVC, we are always happy to help.

+34 952 805 267


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